
Customers/Customer Service: To exceed customer expectations of quality, delivery, and service, while extending competitive pricing in order to share a mutual growth of long-term market share.

Manufacturing/Innovation: To stay abreast of all technological advancements in machinery, tooling, and software. To apply those advancements in the manufacture of our products, so as to produce the highest sustainable quality at the lowest operating costs.

Employee Involvement: To promote advancement of employee skills and knowledge in an environment which allows them to meet and exceed their potential. To reward such advancement and to be “fair” to all employees with regards to wages and benefits when compared to each other and the market.

Supplier Relations: We expect competitively priced, quality products, serviced at the highest of industry standards. We expect to be updated on new industry technology, trends, and changes in market and economic conditions. We extend and demand in return, only the highest in an ethical business relationship.

Profitable Growth: We acknowledge that sustained stakeholder success can only be accomplished through profitability and growth. Profit can be achieved in three ways: growth, productivity gains, and expense control. As all of the stakeholders share the risks and opportunities, we believe they should share in the rewards.

Statement of Values and Purpose

Wisconsin Metals and Plastics, Inc. is a Family owned business which is driven to market and workplace excellence, while guided by our Christian morals and our family values of fairness and respect.

Our mission is to achieve growth oriented manufacturing companies by matching customer requirements with technology, innovation, quality and service. By sustaining this match, we can create an environment of stable stakeholder relations where there is personal and financial growth for all.

By using the word “stakeholder” in our mission, we are not only including ourselves as a family, but are including our extended family of customers, employees, suppliers and community as those who have a meaningful stake in the success of our company.

Meet the Team

Our management team has over 100 combined years of service with Derby Molded Products, Inc.

Mark Tushar

Phil Janes

Peggy Tushar